Why You're Easily Irritated and How to Fix it

Why You're Easily Irritated and How to Fix it

Do you find yourself overreacting and getting frustrated over small things? If you're someone who seems to be triggered over everything and anything, there may be a deeper issue at play.
Do you find yourself overreacting and getting frustrated over small things? If you're someone who seems to be triggered over everything and anything, there may be a deeper issue at play. For instance, your spouse forgets to pick up something on the way home and you're now in a terrible mood for the rest of the night. Or your co-worker says something that you dislike and now you're not able to work effectively throughout the day.
The worst part? Those frustrations are usually taken out on the people we love.
It seems as though small/minuscule things generate enormous pushback, resentment, and frustration. The reason why? You've been repressing anger.
Anger can sometimes harbor inside of us for years. Bad memories or experiences from the past can affect how we handle certain situations. If you feel easily irritated, not only are you repressing anger inside, but you may also not feel loved or valued. As human beings, we long for affection and connection and when we do not receive that, we don't feel important. When this happens, we become defensive easily because we are "protecting" ourselves from getting hurt.
When your irritation levels are at an all-time high, stress begins to consume the body. When under stress, people say and do things they do not mean and can later regret. The lasting effects of long-term stress on the body can be harmful in so many ways.
So how do we fix irritation? Find your release.
Find ways to release negative energy. Easier said than done I know, but in order for us to fix something, we must first become aware of the issue.

Ways to release irritation:

  • Meditation
  • Journaling
  • Focus on your breathing
  • Exercising

Bonus Tip:

Not feeling loved? Start by loving yourself. Write down a list of things that you love about yourself. When we feel loved, the world is seen as a much brighter place.

Bottom Line: Find your method of release. Throughout the day people can harbor stress, negative energy, and resentment. You must have a method of releasing that negative energy so your body is balanced again.

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